Community Development Lending, Explained: New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) Qualified Low-Income Community Investment (QLICI) Loans

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In this series about community development lending, we aim to shed light on the diverse types of loans we offer, in the hope that it will provide the clarity our borrowers need to make an informed decision about applying for a community development loan. 

In this sixth installment, we explain what New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) Qualified Low Income Community Investment (QLICI) loans and how they are pivotal in supporting projects that uplift communities living with low income by providing crucial financing under favorable terms.

Understanding the New Market Tax Credit Program

The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program is a federal initiative designed to stimulate investment and economic growth in urban and rural communities living with low incomes, communities that often lack adequate access to capital. The primary goal of the NMTC program is to encourage economic development and job creation in communities that are economically distressed. This is achieved by providing tax incentives to investors.

Under this program, Community Development Entities (CDEs) like Capital Impact Partners provide subsidized financing for qualifying businesses or real estate projects that meet the federal definition of a Qualified Active Low-Income Community Business (QALICB). 

A QALICB is typically a business that is located in, or provides services to, communities living with low incomes. The capital provided to these qualifying projects is known as a Qualified Low-Income Community Investment (QLICI), which is typically structured as a seven-year, interest-only loan.

Understanding QLICI Loans

A QLICI is a specific type of investment that is central to the New Markets Tax Credit program. It involves directing financial capital into projects or businesses in communities living with low incomes that meet the qualifications set under the NMTC program.

A QLICI is essentially the financial vehicle through which capital flows from CDEs to QALICBs at favorable rates and terms that traditional financing might not offer.

Why is QLICI Valuable to Developers?

Access to Favorable Financing

QLICIs often come with more favorable terms than those available through conventional financial products. This can include lower interest rates, longer amortization periods, and interest-only payment periods. Such terms can significantly reduce the cost of capital for developers, making projects more financially viable.

Filling Funding Gaps

Many projects in areas experiencing low incomes struggle to secure funding because they are perceived as higher risk. QLICIs can provide the essential capital needed to fill these funding gaps and make such projects feasible. This is particularly important for large-scale developments that can have transformative impacts on their communities.

The importance of this type of loan can be seen through two QLICI notes totaling $7.7 million that Capital Impact provided for Coastal Bank Food Bank in Corpus Christi, Texas. This funding was essential for constructing a new 108,200-square-foot warehouse and distribution center. The project addressed urgent facility needs sparked by explosive growth at the food bank and was critical in a community prone to hurricanes, requiring more expensive construction to meet specific safety standards. New Markets Tax Credits played an indispensable role in the capital stack, preventing potential reductions in food distributions that would have created significant community hardship.

Enabling Comprehensive Development Projects

Developers using QLICIs can undertake comprehensive projects that might include various community-serving elements such as affordable housing, health care facilities, educational institutions, and commercial spaces that create jobs. The flexible nature of QLICIs allows for multi-faceted development that addresses various community needs.

Leveraging Additional Financing

A QLICI can act as a critical piece in the capital stack that attracts other sources of funding. For example, the presence of a QLICI can help reassure other investors and lenders about the viability of a project, leading to increased overall investment.

Community Impact and Compliance Benefits

Projects funded through QLICIs are required to provide measurable community impacts. This aligns with the growing emphasis among developers and investors on social responsibility and impact investing. Additionally, engaging in projects that benefit communities living with low incomes can facilitate compliance with various regulatory requirements or corporate social responsibility goals.

For example, Capital Impact Partners closed on QLICI loans totaling $10.6 million to assist the Center for Transforming Lives in Fort Worth, Texas. The funding supported the conversion of a 102,000-square-foot warehouse into an early childhood education and economic mobility center, increasing childcare availability by 57 percent and boosting economic mobility services to 1,200 women by 65 percent annually. This initiative, crucially supported by NMTC, enabled the construction of a facility dedicated to breaking intergenerational poverty through programming that addresses physical, financial, and emotional needs.

QLICIs are a powerful tool in community development, providing critical financial incentives and benefits that support significant and impactful development projects in disinvested areas. For developers, the strategic use of QLICIs not only enhances the feasibility and scope of their projects but also contributes to their broader economic and social objectives, making them valuable partners in community revitalization efforts.

Check out our mission-driven lending page for more information about our products  and to find out which might work best for you.

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