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  • Finding the Right Partners to Make a Difference in Underserved Neighborhoods

    By Ian Wiesner, business development manager For many of us, a weekend trip to the grocery store or farmers market to buy fresh produce is such a regular part of our routine that it hardly merits a second thought. But for many others, access to fresh produce may be an hour-long bus ride away. A […]

  • The Values that Guide our Work

    As a mission-driven lender, our core values of cooperation, leadership, commitment, diversity, innovation, and trust are the foundation of Capital Impact Partners’ work. They shape our culture. They underlie our decisions and actions. They help define our brand and strategy. They guide our relationships with borrowers, partners, investors, staff and the communities we serve. Simply […]

  • Launching Innovate for Impact

    By Terry Simonette, President & CEO Today we are launching Innovate for Impact, Capital Impact Partners’ new blog.  Our newest communications venture comes at a pivotal time for the organization – with my upcoming retirement, the launch of our 2020 strategy, and transition to Ellis Carr as Capital Impact’s new president and CEO, 2016 is […]